Carrington Rally 1998
The Carrington Rally is one of Britain's biggest vintage vehicle and machinery events with everything from massive steam ploughing engines to the most delicate models of farm and fairground equipment.
This video features the 1998 Rally which was the biggest to far with a splendid array of exhibits, with special emphasis on the vehicles for which Carrington is justly famous. More than a whiff of steam runs through the production, from the opening shots of engines and living vans and a complete threshing set arriving under its own steam to a final round-up featuring miniature engines, fairgrond machinery and organs. The oldest surviving Burrell traction engine is there, as is the final crane engine built by the firm, and a Marshall engine called 'teapot'.
In recent years the rally has featured a particular make or model of tractor - this year it was the turn of International, with models from the early Moguls and Titans up to the British built post-war years. More than two dozen other makes of tractor were at the rally, along with lorries, cars, fire engines, military vehicles and bikes - both pedal and motor - and they all featured in this special video production.
- Running time 55 minutes
- Colour, UK PAL DVD
- Aspect ratio 4:3
- Written and narrated by Alan Stennett
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