Farmer Wink 2 (DVD 096)
Farmer Wink is a Yellerbelly phenomenon - and as anybody from between the Wash and the Humber knows (or th’ Wesh an’ th’ ‘Umber knaws.), that means he comes from Lincolnshire. Wink is a man of the land whose comments in the local dialect on farming, the countryside, food and, well, just about everything, brought him to fame after he started ‘phoning the local radio station with his views. His remarks and his language struck a chord with the listeners, and made him very popular, and much in demand at local charity events, as we see on this DVD.
It follows him through his working year on the land and with his livestock. The jobs include beet drilling, ploughing and gathering of the harvest, and milling grain for cattle feed. He has his one day’s holiday for the year - a trip to the county show, where he collected a new tractor and a long-service award. We also hear more about his views on food, as we see him at home enjoying his dinner, making sausages, preparing his supper and enjoying a traditional pack-up. Wink’s brother Dick goes flying for the first time and revisits an old RAF airfield where he worked in the sixties moving potatoes.
- Running time 60 minutes + bonus
- Colour, UK PAL DVD
- Written and narrated by Alan Stennett
- Aspect ratio 16:9
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