Bundle - Carrington Rally collection (DVD)
Save £7.00 by purchasing this bundle which includes all four Carrington titles:
Carrington Rally 1998 (RRP £10) is one of Britain's biggest vintage vehicle and machinery events with everything from massive steam ploughing engines to the most delicate models of farm and fairground equipment. The 1998 Rally which was the biggest to far with a splendid array of exhibits, with special emphasis on the vehicles for which Carrington is justly famous. More than a whiff of steam runs through the production, from the opening shots of engines and living vans and a complete threshing set arriving under its own steam to a final round-up featuring miniature engines, fairgrond machinery and organs. The oldest surviving Burrell traction engine is there, as is the final crane engine built by the firm, and a Marshall engine called 'teapot'. This year's featured tractors were International, with models from the early Moguls and Titans up to the British built post-war years. More than two dozen other makes of tractor were at the rally, along with lorries, cars, fire engines, military vehicles and bikes - both pedal and motor - and they all featured in this special video production.
Carry on Carrington (RRP £10). Drainage by dragline, a working steam-driven sawmill and thresher unit, steam cultivation and horse ploughing and bulldozers, Caterpillar tractors and a scraper box, all hard at work filling wet holes in a field, are featured in this film. Working equipment was one of the highlights of the 40th Anniversary event, and miniature cameras fitted to some of the tackle give a stunning working pictures never previously seen on video. A worm's eye view of steam cultivation, and a look into the maw of the big scraper as it chews off the earth are among the unique images. 'Carry On' star Barbara Windsor, who opened the 1999 event, reveals some of her 'steamy' experiences, and gets to grips with 'British Hero', the only surviving Garrett Showman's engine. Other engines new to the rally scene are also featured and include a Brown and May steam tractor and a Foster Showman's engine named 'Obesession', which was totally rebuilt from an incomplete assortment of engine parts. Also features archive film of early steam rallies in Skegness, Revesby and Carrington Park.
Carrington Comeback (RRP £10). In the year 2000, the Carrington Steam and Vintage Rally was rained off. In 2001 it was called off to help avoid the spread of foot and mouth disease. For many events such a double blow would have closed them down, but Carrington picked itself up and staged a dramatic comeback in 2002 and 2003. This video puts together the highlights of those two years, and features a feast of steam engines and machinery manufactured by the Lincoln engineering firm of Wm Foster & Co Ltd, the 'very British' tractors made by David Brown and the equally American machines produced by Hart Parr and Oliver. The other sectors of the Rally are well represented, including vintage, veteran and classic cars and commercial vehicles, lots of small engines, and East German military Trabant Kubelwagen, a horse-drawn fire engine and the local Lincoln Red cattle and Lincoln Longwool sheep, for whom classes have been introduced during the comeback years. Also included is film of a vintage Caterpillar working day that was held in 2001, and highlights of the sale in 2002 of the late Fred Coupland's collection of vintage machinery and fairground rides. Among the lots was the Burrells Scenic Showman's Engine 'No 1', which topped the sale at £338,800 and Harry Lee's Steam Yachts, which sold for £260,000.
Carrington 50th - Tractor Trials (RRP £10). In 1919, the British Government organised a series of tractor trials near Lincoln, to find out which of the many machines just coming onto the market would be suitable for British farmers. 91 years after the event, as part of their 50th Anniversary Steam and Vintage Rally, enthusiasts at Carrington, on the Lincolnshire Fens, brought together examples of as many as possible of the machines that helped kick start the revolution in farming that saw horses replaced by horse-power. Not surprisingly, some of the tractors that were there in 1919 have not survived into the 21st century, but a remarkable number of ancient machines lined up on the rally field, took part in parades and even participated in the working demonstrations. Among them were a 1917 Saunderson, one of the earliest British tractors, a three-ton Alldays, a 1915 Whiting-Bull Little Bull, Cletrac and Clayton crawlers, several different internationals, a Crawley Agrimotor, with the driver perched on a seat some way behind the machinery, a Wallis Cub, a Gray Drum Drive, with a single drum-like rear wheel and what appeared to be a shed roof erected over it, a General Ordnance that had already made an appearance on three different continents, as well as one of the wartime Fordsons which had effectively set the standard for the Trials. In this production we hear from the owners and drivers of the machines on show, as well as hearing something about the machines that didn't make it. Filming took place in the setting of the rally, and includes some of the other activities at one of vintage machinery's favourite events.
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